Hi! I am Peter.
Leader by the day, Engineer during the night.

As you can tell from my blog, I love the combination of technology and people. As a person with many ideas and a head in the future, I have always strived to make impact in lives of others. I believe that the best way to do so is to combine great leadership with outstanding engineering.

Picutre of the author

Worked with multiple startups

I've always loved startups for their fast-paced, impact driven environment. At the start of my career, I've had a chance to work for a few.

Founded CityIdeas

Building on my previous experience, I've co-founded a startup that was helping cities gather ideas from their citizens to improve the city life.

Founded FlowUp

Later, I've co-founded a software agency that was helping startups build their products using latest cloud technologies.

Joined Kiwi.com

I am currently working at Kiwi, leading a team of 80 engineers and product managers within our Platform and QA teams.

The things I've worked on

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